Skateboard Jersey is a not-for-profit organisation that is taking experience from the past and inspiration from the present to enhance and support the future of grass roots skateboarding in Jersey, working in conjunction with Skateboard GB.

The principal functions of Skateboard Jersey are to provide support and membership to individual skaters, skateboarding clubs and skate schools and to provide structure and guidelines to ensure that skating is being practiced in a safe and fun environment and for everyone to enjoy.

Skateboard Jersey’s other key roles are to support and improve performance to enable skateboarders to remain internationally competitive; to raise money; inform and educate; and allocate funds, as well as provide greater accessibility to the sport. We are committed to supporting the sport of skateboarding to grow. This will take time and many areas of key work are at a very early stage and are developing as we move forward. To achieve our aims we need and want to engage and work with all skateboarders and others involved in the sport.

Our aims are:

  1. To manage, support, develop and promote skateboarding.
  2. Increase participation of skateboarding.
  3. Develop a coaching and judging pathway.
  4. Create and support a sustainable and robust competition structure at all levels in conjunction with existing competitions.
  5. Stimulate international interest in Jersey skateboarding through the development of world-class facilities and competition.

To achieve our aims, Skateboard Jersey will focus on key tasks:


To increase participation in all age groups with a strong focus on young people, Skateboard Jersey also aims to increase knowledge, awareness and access to skateboarding in educational establishments.


Skateboard Jersey aims to support local skateboarding clubs and individuals by offering resources and information, enabling them to effectively recruit and retain volunteers and/or members (of all ages); as well as establishing long term development plans for their skatepark.


Skateboard Jersey will work to develop skateboarding and support the provision of consistent facilities and skateparks required to enable safe and effective delivery of the sport for clubs, skate schools, educational establishments for all ages, primary school to university, coaches and/or individuals.

Coaching and qualifications

Skateboard Jersey is responsible for the delivery of the Coaching Framework and Coaching and Judging Awards for skateboarding as developed by Skateboard GB, and following the nationally recognised qualification pathway in coaching and judging.

Social Inclusion

Skateboard Jersey will help deliver and support projects which aim to increase skateboarding opportunities for individuals from disadvantaged or minority groups. We will also aim to provide the opportunities and environment for these individuals to develop life skills, such as leadership and team work skills.


Skateboard Jersey will strive to deliver, organise and support a programme of competitions (working with existing competitions and skateparks for all levels of the sport) and qualifying events at local, regional and national level and will be responsible for the selection, training and administration of international teams if and when appropriate.


Skateboard Jersey will publicise and promote the sport to the membership and general public in order to support and facilitate the growth of the sport across the country.


Skateboard Jersey designs competition formatting and officiating in line with the WSF regulations, promoting international standards and allowing competitors to prepare for international competition. Skateboard Jersey also aims to develop elite athletes with the ability to succeed at the highest international performance level.


Skateboard Jersey will provide structure, governance and management to the sport in Jersey whilst at the same time developing and maintaining a diverse community of skateboarding participants.


Skateboard Jersey will represent and promote the interests of skateboarders within the Channel Islands, and internationally.